For film productions, we offer 2 options of temporary tattoos based on your visual requirements, tattoo duration, and its usage during the scene.


Découvrez nos services d'aérographie dédiés à la création de tatouages temporaires, spécialement conçus pour répondre aux exigences de l'industrie cinématographique. Notre approche offre une flexibilité sans pareille, car la longévité du tatouage dépend du produit que nous utilisons : eau ou alcool.

Si vous cherchez une option facile à retirer, un simple rinçage à l'eau suffit pour faire disparaître le tatouage en un instant. Cependant, pour les scènes nécessitant des effets de saleté, de sueur ou une plus longue tenue, notre technique à base d'alcool s'avère être la solution parfaite. Ces tatouages temporaires résistent à l'usure due à la salissure et à la transpiration, tout en maintenant leur aspect impeccable. Selon les besoins de la scène, ils peuvent persister longtemps sans nécessiter de retouche, et ils restent exempts d'accumulation de saleté. Notre artiste se rend sur le plateau avec tout l'équipement nécessaire pour créer les tatouages temporaires à l'aide de pochoirs superposés.

Nous pouvons utiliser des pochoirs que nous avons déjà en stock, et pour lesquels nous détenons les droits d'auteur. Nous offrons également la possibilité de créer des pochoirs sur mesure selon vos besoins.

Pour les images dont vous possédez les droits d'auteur, nous prenons votre image, la modifions aux dimensions requises, apportons toutes les modifications nécessaires, puis la fournissons à la production cinématographique sous forme de pochoir. De plus, nous pouvons adapter des images non soumises aux droits d'auteur pour les rendre libres de droits d'auteur, ou créer des images de A à Z et concevoir des pochoirs sur mesure en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques.

Discover our airbrushing services dedicated to creating temporary tattoos, specifically designed to meet the requirements of the film industry. Our approach offers unparalleled flexibility as the longevity of the tattoo depends on the product we use: water or alcohol.

If you're looking for an easy-to-remove option, a simple water rinse is all it takes to make the tattoo disappear instantly. However, for scenes requiring dirt, sweat effects, or longer-lasting tattoos, our alcohol-based technique proves to be the perfect solution. These temporary tattoos withstand wear and tear from dirt and sweat while maintaining their impeccable appearance. Depending on the scene's requirements, they can persist for an extended period without the need for touch-ups, remaining free from dirt accumulation. Our artist arrives on the set with all the necessary equipment to create temporary tattoos using layered stencils.

We can use stencils from our existing stock, for which we hold the copyrights. We also offer the option to create custom stencils to meet your specific needs.

For images for which you hold the copyrights, we take your image, adjust it to the required dimensions, make any necessary modifications, and provide it to the film production as a stencil. Furthermore, we can adapt non-copyrighted images to make them copyright-free or create images from scratch and design custom stencils to suit your specific requirements.

File opening fees are $60, and our graphic designer's hourly rate is $75.

Our temporary tattoo artists, both for transfers and stencils, are members of AQTIS IATSE 514 and are compensated according to the hourly rates set by these two unions, including equipment and stencil rental costs (if applicable).


Explore our transfer services, also known as temporary tattoos, a technique where a design is temporarily applied to the skin to mimic the appearance of a real tattoo. In the cinematic context, this method is preferred due to its versatility and ease of use. One of its key advantages is the ability to quickly replicate a design with precise details, making it an ideal solution for those who are not proficient in airbrushing but need to create tattoos rapidly and accurately. This method provides production teams with an efficient way to add striking visual elements to their films without the long-term commitments associated with on-site tattoo artists for each day of shooting.

Pricing per page:

1 page: $130

Each additional page: $60

On a single page, you can insert multiple tattoos, ranging from 4 to 6, depending on their size. Standard pages measure 8.5 x 11 inches.

Rate for graphic creation and image work: $65 per hour.

Custom Stencil Creations

To request a quote, please send your image to info@agencethaly.com.

Please carefully read the instructions below:

  1. Send us your image in high resolution.

  2. Provide us with the necessary stencil dimensions.

  3. We will analyze your image and inform you if it can be converted into a stencil. Not all images can be converted.

  4. Once we have confirmed that your image can be converted into a stencil, place your order at info@agencethaly.com with the subject "Custom Stencil Order / Price Inquiry."

  5. Let us know the desired quantity and size.

  6. It is essential that the image is your original work (not taken from the internet) or that you have written permission to use it. Images found on the internet are subject to copyright and cannot be used without the artist's written consent.

  7. Please allow for a 2-week production time.

Here is the link to the IMDb page of our two temporary tattoo artists specializing in airbrushing and transfers: Nathalie Legault: IMDB Nathalie Legault Alvaro Bleck: IMDB Alvaro Bleck
