temporary tatoo for movie productions
For movie productions, we offer 2 possibilities of temporary tattoos, depending on your needs for the visual, duration of the tattoo and its usage during the scene.
1. Transfer
- Create a drawing from scratch : 35$ file opening fee + 50$/hr hourly rate of our graphic designer + 35$ each page of 8 ½ x 11
- Using your own image for which you have the copyrights : We take your image, modify it according to the dimensions needed, apply all modifications needed and return it to the movie production in a transfer tattoo. Our artist comes on set with all his/her equipment and material to execute the temporary tattoos.
- 35$ file opening fee + 50$/hr hourly rate of our graphic designer + 35$ each page of 8 ½ x 11
2. Airbrush
You can choose to use any of our stencils for which we have the copyrights or you can also create your own stencils, depending on your needs.
- Bank of stencils : stencil rental (price depending on your needs)
- Custom-made stencils : 35$ file opening fee + 50$/hr hourly rate of our graphic designer + stencil fee depending on its size.
- Using your own image for which you have the copyrights : We take your image, modify it according to the dimensions needed, apply all modifications needed and return it to the movie production in a stencil form. Our artist comes on set with all his/her equipment and material to execute the temporary tattoos using superimposed stencils. 35$ file opening fee + 50$/hr hourly rate of our graphic designer + stencil fee depending on its size.
Our transfer and stencils temporary tattoo artists are members of IATSE and AQTIS and are paid according to the hourly rate dictated by these 2 unions, therefore the hourly rate + equipment rental + stencil rental (if applicable)
For a quote, please send your image to info@agencethaly.com
Please read carefully the instructions below :
- Email us your image in high resolution
- Provide us with the dimensions needed for the stencil
- We will analyze your image and inform you if your image can be converted into a stencil. Not all images can be converted.
- Once we confirm you that your image can be converted in a stencil, place your order by using the Commande de stencil sur mesure/ Prix de vente button
- Select the quantity and size you want
- It is very important that the image is your own work (not taken from the internet) or that you have the written permission to use this image. All images found on internet have Copyrights and can’t be used without written permission of the artist.
Please allow 2 weeks for production
Here is the link to the IMDB of our 2 airbrush & transfer temporary tattoo artists
Nathalie Legault : http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6764767/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Alvaro Bleck : http://www.imdb.com/name/nm7041112/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Contact us directly at the Agency at 514 993-6179.