How to become a circus makeup artist
In this final installment of our Spotlight on the Circus, we look closer at the efforts it takes to make performers look captivating, mystical and magical.
There are a number of makeup schools and makeup artistry academies, both online and in person. If you are looking for a makeup school in New York, you shouldn’t have any problem finding one. A simple Google search will yield 1000s of results. If you are living in a remote location without access to makeup classes in person, you can enroll in an online program. How do you decide which online makeup artist school to enroll with? We help you answer that question.
What do you need to be able to do artistically?
It all depends. If you are a makeup artist who works under a supervisor, you could be teaching artists that are about to travel. You need to be able to copy exactly what your key makeup artist has given you. You need to be able to reproduce it and sometimes there can be up to 50 steps. For the circus, it has to be an exact replica. Same color, forms, same lines, and- as fast as possible. However, if you are coming up with the Makeup concept yourself- you need to be able to think outside of yourself and be creative. In addition to knowing the technique, finding new products.
When you’re a makeup artist for the circus, you need to be able to blend colors well, draw precise lines, and do so consistently. You have to do the makeup based on the face in front of you, within the morphology of the face of the performer. What’s their hat, costume, act? You need to create a concept which does not inhibit their performance, and they feel comfortable even with makeup on their face.
a photo of a beautiful circus facepaint
What makeup products are used in the circus?
Well, sometimes there are specific brands that are sponsors, so they are used exclusively. For example, Ben Nye is really well known and used a lot lately. But in general, any water-resistant high quality brand will do.
How can I become a circus makeup artist
You can find an experienced makeup artist who is looking for an assistant. Someone who is passionate about it. By assisting learn what they do and what they need to do. It’s a great way to advance in your trade. If you’re good enough, they will take you to help them, so it’s a really good way to enter the industry.
Another way to learn is to take my circus makeup program!
What’s great about it is that you can take this training from anywhere you are in the world through video conferencing. We make a schedule that works for you.
Photo of Nathalie Legault teaching makeup
Where can I get more information on becoming a circus makeup artist?
Formation de maquillage de fantaisie — Agence Thaly
Comment puis-je devenir maquilleur de cirque ?
Vous pouvez trouver un maquilleur expérimenté qui cherche un assistant. Quelqu'un qui est passionné par le métier. En les assistant... vous apprenez ce qu'ils font et ce qu'ils doivent faire. C'est un excellent moyen de progresser dans votre métier. Si vous êtes assez bon, ils vous prendront pour les aider, c'est donc une très bonne façon d'entrer dans le secteur.
Une autre façon d'apprendre est de suivre mon programme de maquillage de cirque !
Ce qui est génial, c'est que vous pouvez suivre cette formation où que vous soyez dans le monde grâce à la vidéoconférence. Nous établissons un horaire qui vous convient.
Une photo de Nathalie Legault enseignant le maquillage